Friday 29 November 2013

(RO) Romanian Food

The students in 2C coordinated by their form teacher, Ms. Anda Manea, made two super easy recipes: "Romanian salad" and "Sweet balls".

Romanian Food
Enjoy it!
Romanian Salad
1 big green and fresh lettuce,
2 tomatoes,
half of a red pepper (you can also add yellow or green pepper),
1 cucumber,
3 radishes,
1 red onion.
Cut all vegetables into thin slices or small cubes.
Add: - few chopped leaves of dill or parsley
1-2 spoons of oil (sun flower or olive oil)
1-2 spoons of apple vinegar
salt and black pepper.
Sweet Balls
Smash some biscuits in a bowl, mix them with yogurt or cream, honey, plenty of smashed nuts (or walnuts), dried fruit, vanilla (or rum). Take a spoonful of paste in your hands and make a ball. Then roll the sweet ball in vanilla sugar, smashed nuts (or walnuts) or cocoa.
You can see from our pictures how delighted the children were when they made the balls, and how happy they were when they tasted everything! Have a nice time doing healthy and tasty food! My children went back home from school and prepared this recipe with their parents! Everybody was delighted!
                                    Prof. Anda Mihaela Manea
      Des plats roumains
Bon appétit !
Salade roumaine
Une salade verte ;
2 tomates ;
un demi poivron rouge (on peut ajouter des morceaux de poivron jaune ou vert) ;
1 concombre;
3 radis;
1 oignon.
Mettez tous ces ingrédients coupés en fines rondelles ou petits cubes dans le saladier.
Ajoutez : un peu de persil ou de fenouil
1-2 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive ;
1-2 cuillères à soupe de vinaigre ;
sel, poivre.
Des billes douces
Dans un bol écrasez des biscuits, mêlez-les avec du yaourt ou de la crème fraiche, du miel, des fruits secs et des noix hachés, rhum ou vanille. Mélangez pour obtenir une pâte épaisse. Prélevez une cuillère de pâte, roulez-la en forme de grosse bille dans les mains.  Plongez les billes douces dans du sucre, des noix ou du cacao. 



(RO)  Biscuit “salami” 

We suggest you a recipe for "Biscuit salami" prepared by the students in grade 4D and their teacher, Mrs. Irina Aldea. Remember! It is easy to make, there is no baking required, but you do need to keep the sausage for three or four hours in the fridge! Enjoy! You might also want to try one of the recipes made by the students in grade 2C.

 Biscuit “salami” (Rum and chocolate biscuit roll)

This is a very common dessert in Romania and it has many variations throughout the country. You can basically enrich the recipe by adding Turkish delight, raisins, nuts, almonds, coconut flakes, whatever you feel might work well with the rum-chocolate biscuit base of the dessert.

The recipe presented here is pretty basic and it’s really easy to make.


This is what you need for approximately 5 rolls (each roll would be 3cm/1.2 inches in diameter and 30cm/12 inches long) - of course, you can make them any size you want:

800g/1.8 lbs normal (sweet) biscuits
350ml/10 oz. milk (preferably 3.5% milk)
10 spoons of sugar
220g butter/0.5 lbs margarine
8 spoon-fulls of cocoa
100g/0.3 lbs coconut flakes
rum flavour (as much as you prefer) – you can also add some vanilla flavor
cellophane wrap for rolling the dessert

 Preparation (30 minutes):

1.      Crumble the biscuits into a powder. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it can also have bigger bits and biscuit crumbles – but it mostly has to be powdered down in order to be able to form a paste with the syrup you’ll cook next. You can do it by hand or you can also use a coffee grinder.

          2.      The syrup is made out of the sugar, cocoa and milk that you heat up in a pot. You slowly heat the    mixture, stirring carefully until the sugar melts.
3.      Next, you leave the syrup to cool off for a bit and add the butter. It should melt nicely in the warm syrup mixture. If it doesn’t, heat the pot just a bit and you’ll see the butter will start to melt.
4.      After the mixture has cooled down a bit, add the rum and vanilla flavor in the syrup, stir it well and pour over the biscuit powder.
5.       Mix it well until it all becomes a cocoa-coloured mixture.  * if you prefer you could also add raisins, almonds, nuts, and other extras that you might like to have in the roll.
6.      The dessert is ready, you only need to roll it up nicely and keep it in the fridge for about 6 hours before serving.  Cooling in the fridge will allow the butter to thicken the mixture and coagulate it nicely. For rolling the dessert you have to use cellophane wrap. Take out a rectangular piece, as large as you would want your roll to be. Put some coconut flakes on it and then put the biscuit mixture shaping it nicely into a roll. Then roll the cellophane wrap so that the biscuit roll is all covered in coconut flakes, fold it up and shape it into the circular form you desire and then store it in the fridge.
It’s easy to make and is absolutely divine, especially if served with a cup of milk! 

Saucissons au chocolat

 C’est un dessert très connu en Roumanie et a beaucoup de versions : si vous voulez ; vous pouvez enrichir la recette en ajoutant des fruits secs mélangés ( des noix, des pistaches, des amandes, etc.)


800g/1.8 lbs biscuits secs (de petits beurres ou sablés)
350ml/10 oz. lait
10 cuillers à soupe de sucre
220g beurre/0.5 lbs margarine
8 cuillers à thé de cacao
100g/0.3 lbs noix de coco
feuille de cellophane ou film alimentaire

Préparation : 30 minutes. 

Réfrigération : 6 heures.

1- Brisez les biscuits secs en petits morceaux et hachez grossièrement les fruits secs. 

2- Mettez le sucre, le cacao et le lait dans une casserole. Faites fondre le tout à feu doux. Mélangez à la spatula. Laissez tiédir hors du feu; puis incorporez le beurre. Si le beurre ne fond pas, réchauffez la casserole. 

3- Laissez tiédir hors du feu, ajoutez le rhum et versez sur les biscuits. Ajoutez-y les fruits secs.
Mélangez bien. Divisez la préparation en cinq en la répartissant sur 5 films alimentaires ou feuiles de cellophane.

4- Roulez ensuite chaque film en forme de saucisson (environ 30 cm de long). Nouez les extrémités puis emballez une nouvelle fois dans un film alimentaire. Placez au réfrigérateur pendant 6 heures minimum.

5- Sortez les saucissons, puis roulez-les pour leur donner une forme régulière. Retirez le film plastique et roulez les saucissons dans la noix de coco. 

6- Au moment de servir, coupez en rondelles de 1/2 cm d'épaisseur. Il vous faudra ensuite le conserver au réfrigérateur et le manger dans les 2 à 3 jours.



(FR) Far breton

Here is our recipe : the plain "Far Breton", which is very typical from our area : La Bretagne. Enjoy !!! Noëlle

Recipe of the plain "Far Breton" :
• Preparation time : 10 min- Cooking time : 60 min - Total time :1 h 10 min
Ingredients (for 6 people) : - 230 g of flour, - 140 g of sugar, - 80 cl of milk, - 25 g of butter, - 5 eggs, - 22g of vanilla sugar
Preparation of the plain “Far Breton” :
1. Preheat your oven to 180 ° C (temperature 7). Grease your baking tray generously with butter.
2. In a bowl, mix the dry ingredients: flour (you can sift them), sugar and vanilla sugar.
3. Break the eggs and mix them in the flour gradually.
4. Pour the milk and 25 g of melted butter into the mixture while continuing to mix. You should get a smooth paste without lumps.
5. Put the preparation in the baking tray and bake for 1 hour.

La recette du Far breton nature :
• Temps de préparation : 10 min- Temps de cuisson : 60 min - Temps total :1 h 10 min
Ingrédients (pour 6 personnes) : - 230 g de farine, - 140 g de sucre, - 80 cl de lait, - 25 g de beurre, - 5 oeufs, - deux sachets de sucre vanillé
Préparation de la recette Far breton nature : 1. Préchauffez votre four à 180°C (thermostat 7). Beurrez généreusement votre moule avec une noix de beurre.
2. Dans une jatte, mélangez les ingrédients secs : la farine (que vous pouvez tamiser), le sucre et le sucre vanillé.
3. Cassez les oeufs et incorporez-les progressivement dans la farine.
4. Versez le lait et 25 g de beurre fondu dans le mélange tout en continuant à tourner. Vous devriez obtenir une pâte homogène et sans grumeaux.
5. Mettez la préparation dans le moule et enfournez pendant 1 heure.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Logo contest

Flash Info : A Goldmine Was Discovered In Cyprus !!

Now, you can see 7 wonderful logos  by visiting
this tab :


Download the Logo-book