Friday 31 October 2014

(CY) dance of Cyprus

Hello from Cyprus. We finally were able to put the whole dance of Cyprus. 

(IS) A graduation in Gardasel in May 2014

In Gardasel we have not a tradition related to when the school starts in August. Instead we have a graduation festival for our oldest kids in the end of their staying in Gardasel. The kids prepare a entertainment for their guests and then we all have a good and value time together with cakes and coffee.

Here is a video clip from the graduation festival

Wednesday 22 October 2014

(FR) Mobility in Iceland

Noelle Gauchet, coordinatrice , remercie une nouvelle fois l'Islande pour son accueil lors de notre séjour et remercie tous les partenaires de s'investir dans le projet.
L'école de St Gilles est fermée pour les vacances de la Toussaint jusqu'au lundi 3 novembre.

À bientôt pour de nouvelles activités.

Coordinating Noelle Gauchet, thanks again Iceland for its welcome during our stay, and thanks all the partners for putting a lot into the project.
St Gilles's school is closed for Halloween holidays until Monday, November 3rd.

See you soon for new activities.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

(FR) Snowing in Iceland

Today we had the first winter-snow and the kids were laughing with joy, they love the snow more than the adults.

(DE) Our dance experience :-)

This is our favorite dance: from POLAND
Das ist unser beliebtester Tanz: aus POLEN

But we also danced the other dances and had a lot of fun!
Wir haben aber auch die anderen Tänze getanzt und hatten viel Spaß!

Dance from SPAIN

Dance from ICELAND

Dance from CYPRUS

Dance from ROMANIA

Friday 17 October 2014

(IS) Mobility in Iceland - day 3

On Wednesday 15th of October the group went to a bus-trip around South of Iceland and there was a guide with the group who told them about the history and geography of each area. The group visited  the hot spring,  Geysir, the biggest waterfall in Iceland, Gullfoss and then they visited Thingvellir,  where the saga of independence of Iceland begins. The experience was remarkable, and the day exceptionally successful.

(DE) Einschulungsfeier - First day of school in Germany

This was our first day of school at 20 september 2014 for the first grades.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

(IS) Icelandic mobility - evening fun

On Thuesday evening we had a " happy -hours" together and most of the staff in Gardasel were involved. Serving us that night was husbands, a son, a daughter-in-law and a parent. The food came from Gardasel's staff like every deoration and other preparation for that event.  We had a good traditional food ( fisk, salamon, smoked lamb-meat, cake-desert ) and then we had games which all participants. Lot of laugh and smile that evening and a bond of friendship characterized that time together. When we were leaving the Northen Light  appeared in the sky to the delight of our guests. Unforgettable moment.



(IS) The mobility in Iceland - day 2

On Thuesday we started our day in Gardasel. Our guests walked around the school, talked to theachers and children and we tried to give our best information about Gardasel and the school system and educational princip we stand for in our work. In the end we had all the school together and had sang few pre-school songs and also we danced. We closed our singing time with a relaxing time where kids and theachers closed their eyes and rest their mind for a minute.

That day we visited both the elementary-schools in Akranes, Grundaskoli and Brekkubaejarskoli and had a great welcome there and introductions in both schools. Then some of theoldest students  followed our guests around, showed them  the buildings and told about the activities ( cooking, music, construction, textiles, class areas).

(IS) The mobility in Iceland 1. day

On Monday 13th of October we had our guests flying in and we picked all our guest at the airport except Germany who had already arrived in Iceland on Friday. It was nice to meet everyone and certain  excitement to spend together few good days in Iceland. In the evening Ingunn, principal in Gardasel, invited all Comenius-guests to her home for soup and bread. The evening was pleasant and good way to link the group together for the coming days. As shown in the pictures everbody enjoyed the evening and had a good time together.

(PL) Polish students dancing Skottis


We have chosen our favourite dance. Here is a video of our students dancing the Icelandic dance Skottis.

Saturday 11 October 2014

(PL) Mobility in Iceland

We are really sorry we can't arrive to Iceland and meet all of you once again. We want to greet you and wish you some really nice time in Iceland. We can arrange a Skype meeting if it is necessary. Just contact us and give us the date. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

(FR) Presse: Mobilité en Islande

Projet Coménius : l'école de Saint-Gilles en Islande

Hennebont - 7 octobre 2014

Noëlle Gauchet, la directrice, Gwénaëlle Le Sommer-Le Mentec, enseignante CM1-CM2 bilingue, Isabelle Lestrohan, secrétaire, Mélanie Le Gal, enseignante CE2-CM1 monolingue, préparent leurs valises pour l'Islande.

           Le projet européen Coménius se poursuit, à l'école bilingue de Saint-Gilles. Du dimanche 12 au vendredi 17 octobre, une délégation d'enseignants met le cap sur l'Islande, hôte de l'école maternelle de Gardasel, située dans la petite ville d'Akranes. Un calendrier des activités est élaboré avec les partenaires des écoles de Pologne, Espagne, Roumanie, Allemagne et Chypre. « Chacun réalise une vidéo sur sa rentrée des classes, explique Noëlle Gauchet, la directrice hennebontaise et coordinatrice du projet. Chaque école réalise en vidéo une danse traditionnelle envoyée via internet.  

           Puis, le conte Le Petit chaperon rouge sera lu dans chaque langue et réécrit. Il en sortira un album que chacun recevra. »

           En apothéose, en fin d'année scolaire, une délégation de tous les établissements partenaires participera au spectacle de fin d'année, une comédie musicale sur ce conte.

(FR) Hello from France

Hello dear partners,
Melanie, Gwenaelle, Isabelle and Noelle are very happy to meet you on monday in Akranes !
We already thank all the Icelandic team for organizing our stay.
Kind regards from the French team !


We don't do any special celebration in our first day at school. Students usually stand at school only 2 hours and a half this day. We do not work, we use this time to talk about their holidays, introduce new partners, do social dynamics to help them better known each other, and discuss about some rules for the class.

In this video you can see students going into the school.

 This is the headmistress of our school


This year we count with these tutors:

Preschool 3 years 

Preschool 4 years  

Preschool 5 years

   Primary 1

Primary 2A

 Primary 2B

Primary 3A  


Primary 3B
María José

     Primary 4A 

Primary 4B

Primary 5 A 


Primary 5B

Primary 6A   

Primary 6B

AL Teacher

PT Teacher

Religion Teacher

Reinforcement Teacher

Music teacher


Students from 4A (9 years old) dancing the Icelandic dance.

Students from 4B (9 years old) dancing the Cypriot dance.

Students from 5A (10 years old) dancing the German dance.


Students from 5B (10 years old) dancing the French dance.

Students from 6A (11years old) dancing the Polish dance

Students from 6B (11 years old) dancing the Romanian dance.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Sunday 5 October 2014

(PL) School system

Since the Reform of 1999 compulsory education in Poland starts at the age of five or six for the 0 class of kindergarten. Children start the 1st grade of primary school at the age of 6 or 7. Compulsory education lasts 9 years: After 6 years of primary education, pupils pass their exam of primary education and join the gymnasium for 3 years (lower secondary education). Then they take another compulsory exam.

There are several alternatives from then on, the most common is studying for  three years in a liceum or four years in a technical secondary school. Both end with a maturity examination and may be followed by several forms of upper education, leading to Bachelor (the Polish Bologna Process first cycle qualification), Master (the Polish Bologna Process second cycle qualification) and eventually PhD (the Polish Bologna Process third cycle qualification). The system of education in Poland allows for 22 years of continuous, uninterrupted schooling.

Miejski Zespół Szkół w Świeradowie –Zdroju is the complex of 3 units: kidergarten, primary school and gimnazjum.

Primary school is divided into 2 cycles of 3 years. The first cycle is "integrated", with one teacher handling alone all the subjects except for foreign languages and ethics/ religion.
In Świeradów- Zdrój we have got three 1st grade classes:
1a- with a class teacher Izabela Salawa
1b- Anna Żołnierek
1c- Agnieszka Fehring-Dworak
We have got 2 two 2nd grade classes:
2a- Teresa Fierkowicz
2b- Grażyna Kasprzak
We have got two 3rd grade classes:
3a- Beata Bielak
3b- Lidia Guzińska
We have got one 4th grade class:
4a- Monika Różalska
There two 5 th grade classes:
5a- Katarzyna Luto- Przybylska
5b- Arleta Wolanin
We have got two sixth grade classes:
6a- Małgorzata Kania
6b- Agnieszka Kurec

The second cycle offers a subject-based teaching. At the end of primary school, pupils write a compulsory international competence test. If completed, the examination grants a primary-school leaving certificate. In the primary school students have to study such subjects as: Polish language, Maths, History, Science, Arts/ Music, Information Technology, Physical Education, Religion or Ethics, English language and German language.
Students get marks for their work 1- 6 ( 1- the worst mark, 6- the best one).

The mission of our primary school:
Our school is  a place where studying conditions are provided for everybody. We pass the knowledge, try to develop various abilities, motivate for work. We develop students’ interests. We teach students to be tolerant and open-minded.
School shows students social norms and help parents with the process of upbringing their children.

School takes care of students’ development, safety and health. The school teaches how to spend the free time. It sensitizes students in terms of truth, beauty and good.
One of the schools’ aims is introducing students to the world of science and culture.
The school helps children when they are in difficult family or financial situation. It helps to overcome difficult educational problems.

We meet with parents at the time of special meetings- once a month . then we discuss all the important matters connected with their children’s education as marks, behavior, free time activities eg. school trips, discos, parties etc.

After obligatory classes children can attend extra curricular activities such as: old music classes, sport club- we emphasize on biathlon, school tourism club, computer club.

School year calendar:
The school year is divided into two terms
1 st one- 1st September-15th February
2nd one- 16th February- 26th June
Winter break- in our region- 19th January- 1st February
Summer break- 2 nd -7 th April
26 th June- the end of the school year 2014/15
Other free days, holidays, celebrations:
14 th October- the National Day of Educatioon
1st November- All Saints’ Day
11th -the Independence Day
Christmas break- 20th December-7th January
Primary education  test- 1st April
Gimnazjum exams 21 st-23 rd April
4th June – Corpus Christi

(PL) The beginning of a real school-life for the first-graders

Today we had a very special ceremony at our school. After 4 weeks of being at school all the first- graders had to swear an oath in front of the school flag, the principal, the rest of the primary teachers, their parents and older school mates. All of them promised to be good people, citizens, great students, children and mates.