Monday 30 June 2014

(FR) Interview 2/2

An interview with Mircea (Emmanuelle's father)

(FR) Interview 1/2

An interview with Emmanuelle, a Romanian student from ou school

  Emmanuelle studies in the class "Cycle 3 bilingue" with Gwenaelle and Soazig. She answers the questions of her classmates

Sunday 29 June 2014

Tuesday 24 June 2014

(PL) Presentation about Romania

Our Romanian student - Antonia showed us her country at origin.



Sunday 22 June 2014

(CY) Traditional dance of Cyprus

The history of the traditional dance of Kouza
In the old days, people in villages did not have water in their houses. They supplied  water from the river and from the village fountain.  Usually the young women of the village did that job. Every day, they were going to the fountain and they  filled their pitcher. 

Many times, the young men of the villages, were going near  the fountain and they courted the girls.
In that traditional dance, a young man scared the young woman that he loves and the girl’s pitcher falls down and brakes. Then, the young woman  is getting angry with him and he tries to calm her with a rose. After a while, she forgives him and they dance together.

(RO) Happy School no 49

       Yesterday, June 20 th, was the last day of school for Romanian students. Yippee!!! HAPPY summer HOLIDAYS!!!

        Hier, le 20 juin, était le dernier jour d'école pour les élèves roumains. Youpiii, c'est les vacances et tout le monde est très HAPPY. Bonnes vacances à tous!!!


Wednesday 18 June 2014

(IS) Sportdays in Gardasel

Each year in the beginning of June we have sports days in Gardasel.  We have sport managers from each unit and they put together a program. This year the program was varied and had interesting challenges to exercise and sports available. Football, golf, bowling, dance, swimming,  outdoor games, puzzles and jogging -- such a fun and challenges everybody had these days and loved it :)





(IS) A survey in Gardasel about the project

The schools in the project decided to do a survey among students, parents and staff about what has been accomplished in the Comenius Project. We are delighted with the result and it shows that we can learned from all kind of cooperation and build a new knowledge. We thank the parents for their contribution and also for have taken their time to ask their kids and record their answers.
The result can be seen on the website of Gardasel

Monday 16 June 2014

(IS) An interview with Daria and Oliwia, students from Grundaskoli and systers in Gardasel

  Aldis Osk, a five year old girl in Gardasel, took an interview with two polish girls in Grundaskoli but they are also systers in Gardasel. Olowia is a former student in Gardasel. Aldis Osk asked them about their mother country and how they feel living in Iceland.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

(FR) Concours Hyppocrène

The primary school of Saint Gilles was congratulated by the ministry on the project Comenius ! 

Here is the diploma that we have received :

Saturday 7 June 2014

(SP) An interview with Benjamín, a Peruvian boy from our school

Este es Benjamín, un chico peruano que acaba de llegar a España. Es de tercero de primaria. Tienen 9 años.
This is Benjamin, a peruvian boy who have just arrived to Spain. He is in Primary 3RD. He is nine years old.

Estas son las preguntas que algunos chicos en su clase le hicieron.
These are the questions some of the children in his class asked him.

¿De qué parte de América eres? Del sur.
What part in America are you from? I’m from the South of America.

¿Vivías en una ciudad o en el campo? En una ciudad llamada Lima.
Did you live in a city or in the countriside? I lived in a city called Lima.

¿Vivías cerca del mar? un poquito.
Did you live close to the sea? Yes, a bit close to the sea.

¿Estaba lejos la escuela? No, estaba cerca.
Was the school far? No, it was close to home.

¿Recuerdas a qué hora empezaba y terminaba el cole? Empezaba sobre las 8 y terminaba sobre las dos o las tres.
Do you remember what time did the school start? School started at eight o´clock and finished at two or three o´clock.

¿Qué era lo que más te gustaba del cole? El recreo. Había dos recreos.
Which was what you liked most about school? The study breaks. There were two study breaks.

¿Qué es lo que más echas de menos? La comida. Me gusta mucho la comida de allí. El parque de las aguas porque era muy grande y tenía agua que tomaba muchas formas y luces.
 What do you miss the most? Food. I love food from Peru. The water park too because it was very big and had water in different shapes with coloured lights.

¿A qué juego jugabas con tus amigos? Al pilla-pilla que allí lo llamábamos Quien la chapa.
What game did you play with your Friends? We played to “pilla-pilla”. We called it there “Quien la chapa”

¿Podrías explicar el juego que más te gustaba? El monopolio que iba de comprar y vender con el dinero y que cada vez que pasaba por una meta te daban 2000 soles, que es la moneda de Perú.
Could you explain the game you liked most? The monopoly where you bought and sold with money and each time you cross the goal you received 2000 soles, the coin from Peru.

¿Recuerdas alguna canción? ¿Podrías cantarnos un poco? No me acuerdo.
Do you remember any song? Could you sing it a bit? I don´t remember.

¿Recuerdas alguna fiesta de Perú? ¿Cómo la celebrabas? Sí la canción criolla donde las mamás preparaban mucha comida gratis.
Do you remember a special festival from Peru? How did you celebrate it? Yes, the “Criolla song” where all mummies cooked lots of free food.

¿Qué comida te gustaba más? ¿De qué estaba hecho? El ceviche que está hecho con cebolla, pescado, mucho limón, marisco y boniato. El pescado estaba crudo y se hacía con el limón.
¿What was your favourite food? What was made of? The "Ceviche" which is made of onion, fish, lots of lemmon, seafood and sweet potato. Fish was fresh and made with lemmon.

¿Cuál es la moneda de Perú? Se llama sol y es gris.
What's the oficial coin in Peru? It's the "Sol" and it's grey.

(SP) Spanish traditional dance from the south of Spain: "Sevillanas"

En España hay muchos bailes diferentes dependiendo de la zona donde te encuentres. Las "Sevillanas" son la danza más típica de Andalucía. Este baile es un baile flamenco.

There are lots of different dances in Spain depending on the part you stay. "Sevillanas" are the most popular dance in Andalusia.This dance is a Flamenco dance.

Estas sevillanas fueron bailadas por un grupo de alumnas del colegio.
These "Seillanas" have been danced by a group of girls from our school.

In this video you can see people from different ages dancing sevillanas in our mayor festival called "Feria de la Manzanilla"

This festival takes place the last week of May. Lots of people from other places comes to our city to enjoy the "Feria". In this video you can see some images from our city in these days. Our Feria begins on Tuesday night and finishes on Sunday night. You can visit the Feria at any time, day or night (until four early morning). It's a great opportunity to know our culture and enjoy dancing and singing Flamenco, eating traditional food..

...and if you want, you can finish the party on the beach, because our Feria is located beside the beach.

One week after our "Feria de la Manzanilla" another important event for Andalusia takes place: El Rocío. It's a pilgrimage to a small village where people from different places go to pay tribute to  the Virgin Rocio (mother of God). People come to Sanlucar to go across the Guadalquivir river and go through the Doñana's Park for three or four days camping in the park altogether, singing, dancing.. Pilgrims go to the Rocio walking or riding horses. The distance between Sanlucar and El Rocío is around 50 km.

Each year around 1,3 million people visit the village in these 7 days of pilgrimage. This video helps you to have an idea what the Rocío is.

Boarding in our city, Sanlúcar

A slideshow about the pilgrimage in El Rocío.

Friday 6 June 2014

(PL) An interview with a mother of our student from Romania

An interview with Christina Kupisz. She is a mother of our 5th grade primary school student, Antonia. She moved to Poland from Romania  four years ago.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

(FR) Traditional dances in Brittany

Danses traditionnelles de Bretagne

Voici quelques images qui vous donneront une idée des danses traditionnelles en Bretagne. Cela s'est passé dans un village tout près de note école, le dimanche 23 mai 2014.

This video, gives an overview of traditional dances in our region. This event was filmed in a small village close from our school.