Tuesday 20 January 2015


Thanks to today's advanced technology the Spanish students from CEIP EL PICACHO and the Romanian students from SCHOOL 49 have proved that geography is no longer a barrier to partnerships and collaboration. On January 17th 2015, both schools were engaged in their first Skype video conference and they shared an unforgettable virtual experience. The Spanish students, coordinated by Amalia and Soledad, sang a flamenco song and a Spanish boy played one of Paco de Lucía’s songs on the guitar. On the other hand, the Romanian students, coordinated by Anda (3C) and Cecilia (1C), sang a traditional Romanian song and wonderfully surprised the Spanish students with a Spanish song. Thus, both Spanish and Romanian children showed that music is the most effective way to communicate when you don't speak the other's language. However, after the musical bond, students wanted to know more about education and culture, so they exchanged questions and answers and they fully enjoyed the two-hour meeting.





Radu: I liked very much meeting my collegues from Spain.
Carla: It was interesting to find out new things about spanish culture.
Rares: I liked the guitar player and the song.
Mario: Because it was something about our teacher already told us it was nice to hear a child playing a very famous song.
Andrei: I liked the dialogue between us and the Spanish children.
Vlad: I liked the drawings of Spanish children.
Ecaterina: I liked the melody of Spanish Anthem.
Mihai: I liked the questions about school. I would like to meet kids from Spain to exchange opinions about each schoolar system.
Cristi: The spanish song was nice.
Ada: I was impressed by the Spanish pupils. They were happy, smart, nice and very friendly.
Darius: I want to meet my friends from Spain one day. It was a nice, interactive way to meet on skype.
Anda (the teacher): Thank you!It was a great oportunity for me to exercise a little bit my Spanish (I adore to speak and listen someone speaking this language!!!!!!!!!!!). I am sorry for pauses and please, excuse my mistakes, (the quality of connection was sometimes very poor and understanding was a little bit difficult), but it was nice and interesting to meet you online, to discuss about our cultures and schools. 
I can not wait to meet you in beautiful Spain and to find out more about your school, your town and your country!