Thursday, 28 May 2015

(IS) Scientific experiments from Gardasel

Here is the scientific experiment from Gardasel and we are sorry to be this late with our project.


Here are the comments from the kids while they were performing the experiment.
  • I felt as we were ligthing a stick
  • I felt like the water had disappered
  • It felt like we were pouring a water over the light
  • I thought this was a great idea – bubbles
  • I thought it was strange that the fire lived even though we poured a water into it
  • When we put the glass over the fire and the bubbles came   – that was amazing

Friday, 22 May 2015

(DE) Scientific experiments

We also tried all your scientific experiments. 

We had a lot of fun and learned a lot. 

Here you can see some pictures:

Thursday, 21 May 2015


Children from sixth grade have tested all the scientific experiments suggested by our Comenius partners. They really enjoyed them. Some of them were amazing for them.

El alumnado de sexto ha probado los experimentos propuestos por nuestros socios Comenius. Han disfrutado realmentecon ellos. Algunos de ellos les resultaron sorprendentes.

Previous to the test they watched all the photos and videos and wrote down procedures and materials they would need. Some children were in charge of suplying all the needed material they need for the experiments.

Antes de realizar los experimentos vieron fotos y vídeos y tomaron nota del los procedimientos y los materiales que necesitarían. Algunos alumnos/as estuvieron a cargo de suministrar todo el material que necesitaban para los experimentos.

Then they worked in groups testing differents experiments. They watched the complete process and write down what was happening. 

Tras esto, trabajaron en grupos realizando los diferentes experimentos. Observaron todo el proceso y anotaron lo que iba pasando.







Then they prepared a dossier with the experiments for the Comenius Corner.

Luego prepararon un dossier con los experimentos para el rincón Comenius.

Finally they voted for the best experiment, that they enjoyed the most and the winner was... Surprise!!

Por último votaron por el mejor experimento, aquel que más disfrutaron, y el ganador fue... Sorpresa!!

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


          It was worth the meeting. It was an amazing experience for children. They could communicate with children from Poland exchanging questions about topics they were interested on. Children from both countries sang songs and shared some information about themselves and their countries. It was short but intense and absolutely a priceless experience.

           Mereció la pena el encuentro.Fue una experiencia sorprendente para el alumnado. Pudieron comunicarse con el alumnado de Polonia intercambiando preguntas acerca de temas en los que estaban interesados. El alumnado de ambos país encantó canciones y compartieron información personal acerca de ellos y de sus países.Fue corto pero intenso y fue una experiencia absolutamente inestimable.