This morning the children of Vik and Holt went on Skype meeting with a Polish Olympic athletes, called Lukasz Paczynski but he has competed and is still competing in a dogsled race. We had seeked informations about Lukacz on the Internet, then the children created questions to ask him on the Skype meeting.
There were serveral things the kids wanted to know about, such as
- how many dogs he needs to pull the slede
- what do the dogs eat
- how does he train, particularly if there is no snow
- how far does he have to race in competition
- how often has he won in competition
- does he use a helmet when he is on the slede
- how old is Lukacz
The meeting lasted 10 minutes and Lukacz showed the children a lot of trhopies and prize money he has won. This meeting is part of the Comenius project Garðasel is participates with schools from six countries