Aquí está la canción "Fray Santiago" en las 7 lenguas de los compañeros comenius cantada por los niños de 5º de Primaria. Los niños se han divertido muchísimo realizando esta actividad. Han trabajado muy duro intentando transcribir los fonemas de las letras de la canción en las diferentes lenguas.
Here you are the song "Fray Santiago" in 7 different languages of our Comenius partners sang by children from Primary 5th. Children have enjoyed a lot doing this activity. They have worked really hard trying to transcript the phonemes from the lyrics of the song in diferent languages.
Here you are the song "Fray Santiago" in 7 different languages of our Comenius partners sang by children from Primary 5th. Children have enjoyed a lot doing this activity. They have worked really hard trying to transcript the phonemes from the lyrics of the song in diferent languages.