Easter in Iceland has a double version regarding
which generation we are looking to. Easter has a religion meening in Iceland
and we celebrate and have easter-related traditions.
Before, Easter had a big religion meaning and a
lot of traditions. Grandparents guarded the celebrations with a hawk-eyes and
maked sure that everybody behaved in a proper way, especially the kids. Today
this has changed and traditions is not so thight as before.
The older people still connect more with
regligion but the younger looks forward to have holidays and spend time with their
love ones. Lot of Icelandic people arranged Easter with trawelling abroad, skiing
in the Icelandic mountains, spending time in summer houses in the country or
just stay home and relax.
In Iceland Easter begin with Palm Sunday and end
on Easter Monday but that day is used for home-coming if you went somewhere
with you family. First day to work after Easter is on Thuesday.
On Palm Sunday there are masses in all churches
but no other traditions regarding that day.
In Iceland we have Passions Hymns by Hallgrimur
Petursson, which he wrote in the years 1656 -1659. They have been part of the
Easter festival for many centuries. The Passions Hymns have 50 salms and they
are about Christ´s martyr. On Holy
Friday the salms are read in the National Radio each year and are also been
preformed by actors or other persons in many churches in Iceland.
On Easter Sunday there is
a tradition of giving the children a choclate eggs filled with candy and inside
they have a proverb. The proverb is a sentence which usually includes the old philosophy,
principle or attitude. Sometimes the eggs are hidden inside houses and the
children must find them by using a guidance.
On Easter Sunday there are masses in churches and
In Iceland a lot of
people are used to have good food on their table, with some there is a
tradition of a Easter-lamb. Today people are not bound by these food traditons
and choose what they and their families likes to eat.
Icelandic school works |
In school the students create something beautiful connected to Easter, like yellow lilies or birds.
Happy Easter to you all and enjoy your days |